Sunday, August 22, 2010

El Mercado y el Rapidito

I absolutely love markets! And what's better, in Honduras the market is super cheap. We headed out at 6:30 am Saturday morning to go to El Centro (the center). The fruits and veggies are great and there's so much of it. I bought everything that's in the picture for 160 limperas... $8. Try finding that in the states! I even bought the plant for my room! That was only $3 of the $8 total.

I'm on a break baking kick... my housemate, Kerry, is an amazing cook. So yesterday I made some whole wheat bread and some brown sugar, cranberry bread! (My own modification of the original recipe.) So yummy! I love having time to cook/bake, and it's even better when I have someone to show me some of their best recipes!

Today we took the Rapidito downtown to church. Funny that the public transportation here is called Rapidito and in Grand Rapids it's called the Rapid! :) For $1 we got down to el centro and back. Church was great, although the pastor talked very fast... it was mentally challenging to follow along. The worship was a lot like Crossroads! (except in Spanish) So it felt a little like home. We also met some teachers from the International school in Tegucigalpa. For lunch we went to Wendy's. :) Most of the traditional Honduran restaurants were closed on Sunday. On the way back the Rapidito got really full, and I was standing... unfortunately the height on the bus/van was only about 5'8". (I'm 5'10") So I said to one of the workers, "El Rapidito no es para gringas altas." (The Rapidito isn't for tall white people), and he just laughed. There's no where that I can go and not stand out. At the same time, what an opportunity to show Christ's love. Because people notice us gringos walking around, our words and actions are also noticed. I pray that they may see Christ through us and not just our height and hair color.

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