Saturday, March 26, 2011

Track Meet!

This past week in PE all 1st-3rd grade students participated in a track meet in their classes! I created a block schedule to have each class for an hour. The students participated in the 400m dash, 4x200m relay, and a 50m hurdle. The track was about half the size of a normal track so the distance was a bit smaller, but it was more fitting for the younger kids anyway. They loved it! The best part was seeing them cheer each other on. We had runners, timers, cheerers, and then students who loved to run inside the cones all the way around with the racers, even when it wasn't their turn!

As a teacher, it was tiring, but worth every minute. One of the valuable things I learned was how to keep order in the chaos. They would get so excited cheering on their classmate that they'd forget when it was their turn to run. Or, better yet, the timers would get so excited they would forget to hit stop! or even start sometimes! I would remind them that they had "a very, very important job to do!"

Explaining the race order and organizing the runners. This is how I looked all week... with 4 stopwatches around my neck!


I praise God today for the success that last week was. I had never done anything like this and I was very happy with how it turned out. The only part that didn't go as planned, was being able to fit in the two jumping events they had practiced! So, the track meet is extended to this week too!

God bless!

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